Sak Yant Tattoo

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Sak Yant Tattoo. Sak Yant (Yantra Tattooing) is now an International Phenomenon, with hundreds of Samnak Sak Yant around South-East Asia, and even in Western Countries. Buddhist monks originally engraved Sak Yant into warriors seeking protection and strength in battle.

Thai Tradition of Tattooing Sak Yant | Sirinya's Thailand
Thai Tradition of Tattooing Sak Yant | Sirinya's Thailand (Gregory Mann)

I can't remember when I first. About halfway through the Sak Yant tattoo the corners of the monk's face roll up into a grin and he says with the innocence that only a monk could possess "You are not crying because of the pain, you. I do believe that we So once I heard about Sak Yant, the magic tattoo, I knew that's for me.